Free Resources for the Adults Kids Trust
Welcome to MisterStuTV's free resources page, where we offer a range of playful and informative materials designed to support your family's mental health journey. We've got it all, from PDF downloads that cover a variety of mental health topics, to fun activities and discussions that parents can do with their children. And don't forget about Albie the Albino Chameleon, Mister Stu's children's book, which is also available for purchase and download in our Store!
Our resources are always accessible and updated regularly, so be sure to check back often. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more. Whether you're just starting your journey or you're looking for additional resources, we've got you covered. Together, let's embrace the importance of mental health. Check out all our free resources now and start your journey today!
Social/Emotional Resources
Albie the Albino Chameleon Resources
Checking in With Your Child After School
Checking in With Your Student at School
General Mental Health Resources
Typical vs. Atypical Child Development Guide
Mental Health Acronyms Explained
Four Messages Every Kid Longs to Hear
Top 10 Myths From (And About) Teachers